
  • Fatima Zehra Naqvi


Nursing is a very important profession as it is one of most trusted health care professions. Nurses are with patients throughout the continuum of life. They are teachers, advocates, caregivers, innovators and most of all they are critical thinkers because a lot of critical thinking is involved in their work. And critical thinking is interrelated with emotional intelligence. How nurses will react in the stressful situations or how quickly will they make correct decisions totally depends upon the levels of emotional intelligence they possess. The researcher wanted toinvestigate the role of Emotional Intelligence in conflict management at work place. In the present study researcher has selected nursing profession from work place. The current studyhas examined the challenges faced by senior and middle level experienced nurses in their profession and the role of Emotional Intelligence in overcoming those challenges. The researcher has applied the explanatory method, a cross-sectional study to deeply understand the importance of emotional intelligence in the nursing profession. And has applied all four dimensions of EI as the measuring scale of emotional intelligence. The data has been collected through the questionnaire based on simple random sampling technique from nurses working at private tertiary hospitals in the region of Karachi. The sample size consisted 400 male and female nurses. The data has been analyzed through the statistical package for social sciences. The findings of the study has revealed the importance of Emotional Intelligence on the performance of nurses for e.g. conflict management strategies, relation management skills, emotional stability etc.




How to Cite

Fatima Zehra Naqvi. (2023). EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AT WORKPLACE. Benazir Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2). Retrieved from http://brjhss.com/index.php/brjhss/article/view/48